Beware of Convicted Felon Cory R Yost

Beware of Cory Yost

Cory Robert Yost is a convicted felon from Ohio who has been arrested almost 25 times. For crimes ranging from domestic battery, assault, battery on the elderly, drug possession, felony-DUI, forgery, theft, violation of restraining order, contempt of court, fleeing and eluding from law enforcement, and more... Please be aware of this dude! Also think twice before dating him! This blog was created for the sole purpose of warning and alerting the public, as well as the gay community, of this individual.


Cory was arrested on January 8, 2018 for battery on a grandmother! This grandmother, whose grandson was dating Cory, and whom was kind enough to allow Cory to come in her house became victim of this monster as well. On that day her grandson was attacked by Cory and she desperately intervened to protect him and Cory assaulted her, as well, to get to her grandson. He was charged with a felony, however the case was dismissed since she refused to press charges.
Read the police report:

This same grandmother contacted the police, a second time, since her grandson was being assaulted yet again by Mr. Yost and pressed the panic alarm. Cory was once again charged with domestic.

Yet Another Domestic Case with Some Alarming Details

Beware of "The defendant (Cory R. Yost) punched the victim in the middle of the chest ......the victim indicated he was gasping for air and the defendant began to spit on him"

(Mugshot of Cory R Yost)

A few more of Cory's domestic cases from Pinellas County

(Click each image to enlarge)

From Guernsey County Ohio

Even his own friends shouldn't trust him! The one person who was trying to help him out of a bad situation was forced to find out Mr. Yost true colors the hard way. When Cory was arrested, in 2014, for drug paraphernalia and was booked into the jail a correction officer managed to find 5 checks in Mr. Yost possession, along with a check stub, and a stolen debit card, which all weren't in his name. His one friend who allowed him to stay with him over the weekend decided to bail him out and when he arrived at the jail then he was informed by officers that Cory had his forged checks in his possession. Instead of bailing him out he went and pressed charges and Cory was charged with "forgery" and "possession of stolen property" and was eventually convicted of a felony and spent six and a half months in jail.

Police report below:
(Click each image to enlarge)


Cory Yost, the Domestic Monster IS BACK!

Corey has had quite a few brushes with the law in Akron Ohio relating to domestic battery. In a few of these cases Mr. Yost broke into the victim's home and he violated his TPO (temporary protection order) which was issued against him by this same victim for a previous domestic.

See police reports below
(Click each image to enlarge)

Two of these cases resulted in an additional
felony contempt of court conviction.

See screen shots below:
(Click each image to enlarge)


(Click each images to enlarge)


Cory Yost the Internet Tough Guy

Cory loves to start fights with people he doesn't know and to cause drama. He starts stalking and harassing people he knows, and doesn't know, for no reason online. If you don't agree with his point of view he will blast you regardless if you are wrong or right. Corey has nothing better to do than to mess with people and their lives. His two favorite quotes which he overuses are "Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones" (Geoffrey Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde) and "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" (Evelyn Beatrice Hall). However, he can't even say either one of those two quotes properly.
Check out some of his online bullying below:


Corey Yost and Celebrities

Cory Yost had his fair share of meeting celebrities as well.
Below he met Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
Flo from Progressive.
As well as Terri Rizzo, the chairperson of The FL Democratic Party.
For those who follow Cory on Facebook you all noticed how he is big into politics, however, in reality his criminal record will never allow him to partake in it!


Corey Yost and Politics

This guy can't even make up his mind on whether he is a democrat or a republican. On his Facebook he identifies himself as a member of The Republican Party of Florida and even hashtags himself as #gayrepublican however at rallies he then disguises himself as a Dolphin Democrat and Democratic Women's? He was even a paid member of Hillary's staff in 2016 and performed door to door knocking for her campaign.


Be extremely careful of Cory Yost he is a very dangerous individual! He is manipulating and takes advantage of people's kindness. However, if you meet him in a club and exchange phone numbers with him he might try to fool you by using an alias, but if you stumbled over this blog as a result of Googling up this number: 330-419-3302 / 954-544-9093 then you made it to the right place.
In Ohio he lived in: North Canton, Louisville, Akron, Summit County, Massillon.
In Florida he lived in: Largo, Clearwater, Ft. Lauderdale, Broward County.
His email address is: and
Facebook username is: cryost1

If you ever had a problem with him and would want to share, or wish to provide your opinion on this blog, then please post a comment below:


  1. This is extremely disturbing. Domestic violence is unacceptable!

  2. My heart bleeds for that grandmother whom all she was trying to do was protect her grandson. Thank you for sharing this blog. It is unbelievable that psychos such as this guy are allowed to still roam the streets and prey on innocent people.

    1. Another lie, that grandmother your speaking of goes the church with Cory every Sunday.
      I wonder what Marion Correctional thinks of having someone on their staff supporting a pedophile.
      Yost foods the bond holder in the crimes of rape. FDA has already made it clear your unsanitary., I guess your morals are too.

    2. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

  3. I heard this Cory shot and killed someone's cat once with a BB gun! And when the owner of the cat called the police then Cory denied it to his teeth and the cops couldn't prove anything and therefore let him go and he got away with it.

    1. Complete lie, you Yost’s will do anything to save a child rapist.
      At least Cory will be able to stop him!!!!

    2. The only thing Cory has ever stopped is happiness

  4. I just received a random phone call from 330-419-3302. I don't answer unknown #'s, but sure glad I looked this one up! Awesome job on the blog letting people know about this guy.

    1. May have been your maker calling you home.
      I hear he frowns upon molesting little girls, especially when they are a grand daughter and only 7.

    2. 27 crimes later this dude Cory still be talkin

  5. My son and I were victims of this human garbage, he became a companion of a son, he was out of work, my son supported him because the story he told us about his life was sad, he said he had been a victim of domestic violence [like us we also suffered it from my ex-husband] he told us that his ex-partner had left him without clothes, without his pets (2 dogs), he literally threw him into the street, as for his family he told us that he had no contact with his parents and sisters because they rejected him for being gay ... Afterwards, Cory and my son came to live with me, I wanted to help him because I quickly realized that he was a drug addict and an alcoholic, he did dramas and continually looked for problems out of nowhere, my son and I were patient with him because we both thought so.We gave him the love of a family that Cory would improve, but he did not, he began to abuse my trust and that of my son and while my son worked, he brought other men to the room of our house , to have sex with them, regardless of whether I was there, is disrespectful, without morals, without principles, without ethics, and without values ​​one of the boys that I brought to my house is the Latin Jerónimo Henríquez Rojas and another Asian, that Boy's name is Tommy Quoc, who also became his partner, when Cory was still harassing my son ... When Cory realized that I was alerting my son about him and was asking him to please get him out of our house because I no longer slept peacefully, Cory began to text me and treat me like a “bad mother”, he said that “my son did not love me”, he is an abusive physical and emotional, integrated psychopath who chooses his victims very well when he sees them vulnerable by some situation ... Cory robbed me twice, the first time that all my jewelry was worth almost 3000 dollars and the second time cash, some appliances, even without my work permit card he left me and even my son's piggy bank and mine that d He stayed, but neither the tablet, nor the computer, nor anything else disappeared because he evidently used it for his benefit, he never worked, nor did he ever contribute anything for the rent, the bill or the food to help us, we always supported him, I got him jobs and he made me look bad, he did not go to work, Initially we did not know that it was he who was stealing from us, but later I found out who Cory really was, because I downloaded his file through a clue that one of the policemen who took my complaint from The robberies and that It was evident that he knew this criminal, all the time he wanted to manipulate us and mistreat my son, but he realized that I was not going to allow it, this character is a sociopath, I do not understand how he manages to return to the street If he is a danger to the entire American community, then after he left my home he traveled to Tampa and currently my son is threatened and we had to move from where we were! It is disappointing to love someone, to give him a home, food, human warmth, understanding, love, wanting to help him get out of his addictions and for him to pay you back with so many stabs in the back! He also used these two phone numbers , +1 (954) 544-9093 and +1 (954) 9954560, He has an Instagram account that he constantly opens and closes, and his email is

    1. This is a shame, complete fabrication. I know Cory and I can tell you of utmost certainty this did not happen.
      I recall a family last year that were near deportation and after several pleas with DHS and being detained twice Cory assisted in keeping that family here.
      Whatever story told here is a complete lie, totally aimed at attacking Cory’s character in order to discredit his testimony.

    2. Want to hear a joke? What's the difference between former border agent, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Cory Yost? NOTHING! Both are sociopaths who do the opposite of what they claim to do

  6. I have a friend who happens to be gay who was seeing Cory. I would imagine he would want to remain anonymous, but he’s a really nice kid. They had an unofficial relationship which spanned a few months. Initially, I was unconcerned. My friend was elated and over the moon about this Cory guy and I was happy for him, and had no reason to question his judgment. Shortly after their tumultuous falling-out, I was shown this, and everything I read on here and what my friend told me I knew Cory was evil.

    My friend depicted Cory originally as this really charming and bright guy who was in a rut, trying to overcome a bad breakup and alcoholism. I think my friend, whose judgment was impaired due to emotional interference ignored any warning signs, but accepted Cory as he’d presented himself as being. He understood the gravity of addictions and their own turmoil, having been surrounded by it his whole life, but he was determined to be steadfast and supporting him.

    My friend began spending at least a few nights a week sleeping over at his place. After an innocent prank was misinterpreted, there was an acknowledgment between these two that, ‘it was okay’ - Cory than asked him to uber over that night. I was with my friend when they were texting back and forth. Two hours later he fell asleep and when he’d awoken, my wife and I heard him crying in the next room. We found out that this guy had randomly told him, “go burn in hell, don’t text me ever again.”

    It was the first of Cory’s many-a-mind games that really hurt my friend emotionally. He was already trying to readjust to life, after some personal setbacks due to mental illness. My friend cried and for a few days it struck me as interesting that instead of anger or desire to recconnect, Cory’s personal safety was foremost on his mind. I told him then that there was no excuse for Cory to treat him that way. But my friend had a series of more denials and more mistreatment. In the end, my friend has never been quite the same. He’s stable but Cory in a very manipulative, cold, and heartless fashion, really broke his heart. Never mind, the fact Cory threatened my friend twice over the phone telling him he had until the count-to-three.

    Cory used him for prescription drugs for an illness he lied about having himself. In fact, I know about this one because apparently my friend rushed out of his apartment one night to catch an uber to see this jackal, and when he arrived Cory yelled at him and eventually made him uber home telling him it was the “principle” of the matter, not just merely forgetting. There’s other things I know about, and most likely, plenty I don’t. But there’s a very consistent pattern I see in all of this.

    Please don’t make your friends and family vulnerable to these kinds of lies, manipulations, and emotional abuse. It's unfortunate when the nicest of people are exploited by people like this.

    1. A complete bed of lies orchestrated to allowing Robert C Yost Cory’s father to go on raping children.
      Cory keep up the fight! Don’t let them scare you!

  7. To all Cory has hurt, please accept my apologies. I am Cory's mother. Please know he was not abused or neglected in any way when being raised.

    Until about the age of 16, I truly thought Cory would be very successful in whatever he decided to do in life. It was around the age of 16 that he was first caught stealing a gas credit card from the mother of one of his friends and it has been downhill since. For many years, I would mentally replay his childhood looking for signs I missed that could have alerted me to Cory's true nature. This was never successful and I've since stopped doing that.

    Cory has stolen from us - his family - more times than I can recall. He has also lied and manipulated his family members more times than I can recall. He has made up horrendous stories about us to tell others in order to gain sympathy, which then opens the door for him to manipulate, lie and steal from those same people. It's disgusting. As his mother, it is humiliating and embarrassing to know I raised such a person.

    I could recount so many incidents where Cory has done terrible things not only to his family, but friends, families of his friends, boyfriends and their families too. No one is off limits to him. Through the years, I fielded numerous phone calls from Cory's victims and these conversations always went the same way --- me correcting whatever sob story was given and then profusely apologizing for my son's actions. I do not understand how he turned out this way and never will.

    Because of Cory's inability to tell the truth, manipulative ways, thievery, etc., I cut contact with my own son a few years ago. This does not mean he has stopped causing me and the rest of my family major traumas though. He continues his sociopathic behaviors on a regular basis with his own family members as his victims.

    I've been hesitant to post anything to this blog not only because I know he will retaliate, but also because I am his mother and find it in bad taste to do so. My final decision to contribute here came just the other day after Cory's most recent tactic to cause me pain. More than likely, I will regret hitting "publish" sooner rather than later. My hope is that if someone considering a relationship with Cory reads this, the fact that his own mother is raising the red flag will cause a reconsideration.

    Again, to all Cory has hurt now and in the future, I am so sorry.

    1. All complete lies, this woman is making attempts to destroy Cory’s character so he cannot testify to the abuse he suffered by a man Cory’s Mother married, Robert C Yost who is currently on trial for raping their 7 year old grand daughter

    2. Also for Cory’s mother, it is a sad day that you have decided to betray both of your sons, then turn around and make up lies about them because they are attacking your pedophile husband.
      We are told by the courts you never filed for divorce after DNA place your husband inside that little girl, when she woke up that night to tell you such a grim tale about her abuses suffered you took her to the hospital and your husband disappeared.
      The man your still living with, failed a lie detector, DNA match for semen inside your 7 year old grand daughters
      How sick are you?
      Didn’t you have to kick the victims dad out when you decided to let the come back home?
      My guess, you are the victim of sexual abuse and will do like many victims protect your very own predator.

  8. Robert C Yost was charged with crimes against his grand daughter, Cory Yost’s niece:
    Cory had single handed my made sure this man stuck around to pay the price for touching not only his niece but his siblings and himself.
    Missy Yost has allowed a pedophile going unchecked, first preying on her on children now her grandchildren.
    This blog was written to shed doubt on Cory’s testimony to his own abuse as a child.
    This blog will only throw fire on a man who intends to make sure Robert C Yost from summit county is brought down and anyone that has decided to have his back.

    1. Is Cory's age as high as his arrest record?

      You know who I want to sue? Everybody in the hospital you were born at. I want to sue them for not responsibly pulling your head off. Letting you live was medical malpractice. You're the worst thing to happen in America. It goes, you, slavery, and than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined. As an American I feel like it's my duty to make you feel poorly.

  9. In April Cory started plotting ways to stop Robert C Yost, his father from molesting or raping anyone else. This is the result of the efforts Cory had made to bring down a family that has covered up Robert Yost’s behavior for several years
    Robert C Yost in summit county common pleas court in under indictment for molesting his grand daughter for over two years.
    That little girl is 7 now.

    1. To the Story from Cory’s Mother, this woman allowed her own children to be molested their entire life’s by the man she married Robert C. Yost, then when it started happening to her own grand daughter she stood by and allowed it to happen for over 2 years, even after that little girl at the age of 5 begged for it to stop, she was told she was a liar.

  10. To the other comments and the blog itself. Cory has helped many people over the years and I know from personal experience along with many of my friends that he is a good man. The demons from his childhood still attack him from time to time, the abuse suffered at the hands of a monster forced into his life by a woman who only cared about herself.

    1. Cory has friends? I thought he betrayed them all or terrorized them. At least the ones I'm familiar with.


    Robert C. Yost
    Look up his name and crimes.
    Unfortunately this man has went unchecked for several years, Cory’s stepdad. Finally a 7 year old child brought his abuses to light.
    The blog is an attempt to defame and discredit a young man that has been the victims voice against a wealthy family that has been bankrolling an expensive defense team, 100 grand posted as a bond. Experts trying to pick apart a 7 year olds testimony.
    This blog targets a man that is it the person depicted here.

    Summit County Clerk of courts can explain why this is happening.


    Yost Foods Inc
    Organization responsible for the $100,000 bail money to keep Robert C. Yost comfortably out of jail awaiting prosecution on 4 counts of rape.
    The victim ,
    A 7 year old girl, his granddaughter.
    In the wake of COVID-19 I would imagine any organization involved with receiving Chinese spices would be a bit more sanitary, explains why they keep habitual child rapists out of prison.


    Yost Foods

    pedophile protection agency


    1. Dude you're the worst thing to hit Florida since Casey Anthony and everybody knows it.

  15. ROFL the day Cory a.k.a 'No More Pedophiles' (I mean, this dude isn't fooling anyone at this point) goes to church is the day I shit bricks and fly over the rainbow. I wouldn't doubt that he may've once in a blue moon, but only for the sake of saving face. Now this dude knows the walls are closing in and he's fucked with a capital 'F'...

    I'm reading through 'N.M.P' (gee, wonder who could that be) crock of shit and there's more lies in this than a Donald Trump speech

  16. Replies
    1. I disagree Patricia! You can NOT falsify police reports and you can NOT falsify public records!

  17. It is true you cannot falsify records. Dually, his false charm can be alluring and seductive but he can readily start drama and manipulate events to work in his favor, all the while exploiting others.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Let's start with No More Pedophiles. Cory, SHUT THE FUCK UP! You're an idiot. We all know that's you talking. Just trying to justify bad behavior with more bad behavior. You think you can wave around Trump 2020 on your Facebook and lie because that's what Trump does. Newsflash, you're broke AF and your rap sheet speaks for itself. Cory, YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT! You don't learn from your lessons, you don't care to make yourself better. Congratulations. You. Are. Scum. You are a gas station taquito. Everyone knows you are not a good idea, but hopes for the best and ends up shitting themselves in a Publix parking lot.

    ps. your dick looks funny LOLz

  20. Word up bruh ^ gas station taquito LMAOOO... LOVE IT! Cory, you're a fucking backwoods Ohio rich preppy sociopathic broke moron. You should stop exploiting people acting like you're this recovering addict, when in all reality you just manipulate people to get what you want down to the most mundane things. You terrorize the people you live with and than try to reconcile by affecting that stupid, fake, I'm too cool for school charm like some half-wit car salesman. Bro, you're 31 and you carry yourself around like you're king of the universe, but all these young twink bottoms you think you can intimidate are actually smarter than you and really once they sift through your self-contradiciting statements and become privy to your lives, have had enough emotional turmoil , they pick up on your shit and they throw it RIGHT BACK AT YOU! YOU AGING, PEDDLING FISHMONGER OF A STREET MERCHANT! You're a total imbecile.

  21. People should create a BEWARE grindr profile for this fool



    Please help promote!!


  23. For $25 you can ensure that your own individually created FB page reaches an audience of as many as 721,000 people. This isn't a scam! Go to FB and try and advertise your own page, and I encourage anyone to make Beware of Cory Yost content

  24. I'm also creating a new Tinder and Grindr profile just for him. STAY TUNED FOR DETAILS !

    1. Unknown,
      That Facebook page you created was either taken down or you didn’t set it to public, since when I clicked the link it was broken.
      Best way of doing it is to create a Facebook post, with the link, and tag 99 of your FB friends from the gay community and ask them to Share.
      Make sure as many people Share, Like, and Comment in order to boost the post.
      Everyone in the gay community must be made aware of this fellow.

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